Hurry up and wait! JESUS HAD A JOB TO DO AND SO DO YOU… Just like you and I, Jesus was preassigned a job, before he was born. The only difference there is between you, I and Jesus he knew what his assignment was before he enter into this world. We can learn what our assignment is through prayer and love…. But the most magnificent part of Jesus entering into this world was that he gave and left, us instructions, directions, (The Bible) the way we should live our lives to find the narrow pathway to return unto his father to gain eternal life. We the people reward Jesus with death for this information. FORGIVE THEM FATHER FOR THEY KNOW NOT WHAT THEY DO…. ( Luke 23:34) Jesus knew his path would not be easy. He knew there would be murmurs, murders. Liars, theives, seduction, criticism and evenly death. JESUS knew he had to face these things to get the message to the sinners of this world…. Even the few he recruited to help him, some became unfaith and turned against him and denied him, even after seeing and knowing his purpose on this earth. They was give powers to perform miracles, and the handbook of life eternally. We have that same power that can move mountains, heal the sick, calm the sea; but we must have a pure heart, a pure mind, and a pure soul to be able to walk this earth like Jesus. It is possible, because your body is the temple of God! We must keep it clean for God to live there…. He left you that privilege of a helper; a comforter “The Holy Spirit “. The Holy Spirit can not enter into a defile person life unless, they repeat and confess their sins and believe with their whole heart and mine, that Jesus is God’s son and only through him we will see our Father’s face and be granted eternal life…. The Suffering Servant (Matthew 26:57-68; Mark 14:53-65; John 18:19-24; 1 Peter 2:21-25) 2/8/2021 Annie L. Flournoy III